The BRAVE Brand Audit Mini Course

5 psychology-backed steps to make sure your brand is connecting with your audience at every touchpoint.

Grab the BRAVE Brand Audit Mini Course today

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A Self Guided BRAVE Brand AuditIn Rerum Aperiam Quibusdam$0
The Audit includes

Downloadable worksheet

Quick educational videos on each part. Each video is less than 5 minutes becuase time is money

Series of questions to guide your thinking and ensure your success

Works across any industry

Digital and physical businesses

  • Total payment
  • 1xA BRAVE Brand Audit Mini Course$0

All prices in AUD

Got questions?

I've got answers.

  • How long will it take?
    It depends on how complex your business is and how many touchpoints and platforms you want to include. I recommend setting aside around half an hour every morning for a week and tackling 1 section a day.
  • Will this audit fix my brand?
    Unfortunately no. This audit won't fix your brand, but it WILL show you the gaps that need to be fixed. Which in my excellent opinion, is just as difficult as doing the actual fixing work.
  • If this doesn't fix my brand, why should I buy this?
    If your brand needs fixing and you already know exaclty what needs doing, power to you! You probably don't need this. If you want the reassurance that the time and effort you're putting into your brand is actually worth it, then this is the course for you.
  • Can you just do the audit for me?
    Yup. I charge AUD$295+GST to conduct these for clients. Shoot me an email at

Step into my office.

Hi, I'm Liv. AKA The Branding Psychologist*.

For the past 5 years, I've been trying to make capitalism a bit less sucky by building brands that foster connection.

I help businesses be more connected to their audiences, by building, improving, and growing human brands.

And more importantly, I help business owners be more connected to themselves, by building brands that align with their true selves and businesses that allow them to pursue the things in life that really matter to them.

* And yes, I have a degree in Psychology. I don't just call myself that for funsies.

Check out my website.

Shoot me an email.